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How to deploy your TMS WEB Core application or Web service within minutes

Deploying a web application during its development process can be tedious. This is true in particular for web services that need HTTPS endpoints with SSL certificates so that mobile Apple or Android devices can access them. There are a lot of examples setting up a Docker environment or publishing your services directly to a developer specific server. Still, all of these approaches are not as easy as the steps given in the video.


Key facts

  1. Assume you have a web application which is running locally on your development server at http://localhost:8000/FinnHubEx/index.html. This URL is inaccessible from any machine outside your network. Also, communication is unencrypted and is not secured with an SSL certificate.
  2. ( is a service that can be used to quickly make your local application available on the Internet. Even better, it will be secured with a certificate.
  3. In the download section, you find a free version for macOS, Windows, and Linux.
  4. Download the ZIP file and extract it in a folder that is easily accesible using the command-line.
  5. Running the executable ngrok.exe shows all options.
      ngrok - tunnel local ports to public URLs and inspect traffic
      ngrok [command] [flags]
      ngrok exposes local networked services behinds NATs and firewalls to the
      public internet over a secure tunnel. Share local websites, build/test
      webhook consumers and self-host personal services.
      Detailed help for each command is available with 'ngrok help <command>'.
      Open http://localhost:4040 for ngrok's web interface to inspect traffic.
      ngrok - <>
      ngrok http 80                           # secure public URL for port 80 web server
      ngrok http --domain 8080  # port 8080 available at
      ngrok http                   # tunnel to host:port instead of localhost
      ngrok http https://localhost            # expose a local https server
      ngrok tcp 22                            # tunnel arbitrary TCP traffic to port 22
      ngrok tls 443          # TLS traffic for to port 443
      ngrok start foo bar baz                 # start tunnels from the configuration file
      api                            use ngrok agent as an api client
      completion                     generates shell completion code for bash or zsh
      config                         update or migrate ngrok's configuration file
      credits                        prints author and licensing information
      diagnose                       diagnose connection issues
      help                           Help about any command
      http                           start an HTTP tunnel
      service                        run and control an ngrok service on a target operating system
      start                          start tunnels by name from the configuration file
      tcp                            start a TCP tunnel
      tls                            start a TLS tunnel
      tunnel                         start a tunnel for use with a tunnel-group backend
      update                         update ngrok to the latest version
      version                        print the version string
          --config strings   path to config files; they are merged if multiple
      -h, --help             help for ngrok
      -v, --version          version for ngrok
  6. In order to host your application running on localhost with the http protocol, run it with the following parameters:
    >> ngrok http 8000
    Ngrok showing hosting localhost
  7. That's it! You are now hosting your application worlwide.


ngrok offers free and paid plans. The free plan will generate a new, random URL each time you invoke ngrok.


Remember to add the path to your application to the URL. In the example presented in the video, you need to add /FinnHubEx/index.html to the random URL generated by ngrok.