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Results of the poll: HIW LIVE

I just wanted to give brief feedback on the results of the poll from the beginning of this month. It has become very much clear looking at the results that there is little interest in LIVE HIW seminars with the opportunity to ask questions.

Delphi turns 29! Join us for the celebration!

To the Delphi community, February 14 is not only known as Valentine's Day (you're welcome for the reminder 😁), it is also Delphi's birthday. This year, it will turn 29 and Embarcadero -- Ian Barker to be more precise -- will be hosting a special webinar to celebrate.

POLL: LIVE seminar about Web development ?

In recent weeks, I have gotten inquiries about a live seminar to build a full stack project with Delphi. With regard to scope, something like my latest video series with the ability for you to interact and ask questions. The seminar would either be during the week or on a Saturday.

Possible Topics?

Here's just a few suggestions as an overarching topic for the whole seminar. They would last from 3-6 hours.

  • HTML, CSS and Bootstrap for Delphi developers
  • Building the architecture of a Web application with responsive navigation bar
  • Web page with user login and dedicated areas (front plus backend implementation)
  • Getting started with MQTT
  • Your idea! Use comment section in poll...

Are you interested?

Let me know if and when you would like to participate. Also, if you would only participate for free. The likelihood of an event happening is lower then because I would need to look for a sponsor.


The poll is closed.

TMS Training Days 2023 Session replays

For the first time in years, TMS was able to celebrate Training Days in-person again! This year, TMS introduced us to the city of Bruges in Belgium. It was a wonderful event with a lot of opportunities for Delphi developers to mingle and exchange their knowledge.

Aside from the social events, there were lots of training sessions with valuable content.